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It's cute and well put together. I just didn't really understand the gameloop. If I want to avoid doing damage I thought maybe I just blow myself up immediately every time, and when I did that I got my highest score, so what was the point in moving and the other abilities? When you hit the end you just blow up, but you can't turn around so how do I stay inside the area?

It did leave me wanting to figure it out though so that's good!! I think some sort of tutorial or soft introduction of the game would be great.

(3 edits)

Agreed. There is definitely a lot of balancing issues in the game, as well as a goal that is unclear to the user, partially because of the balancing issues. There was also a bit of scope creep. I put a restriction on myself to not edit the GDD after I started coding (because I did a lot of that previous jams and it made it feel like the GDD didn't do what it's intended to do), and I think that made the game suffer a fair bit in certain ways because I couldn't tweak some design choices (due to the restriction). Another restriction I had was to make them game on macOS which meant a lot of time was spent just battling the compiler to make sure I can still support Windows and Web, time that could otherwise be spent on the rest of the game. Tutorial and balancing is definitely top priority for post jam development though.